Backstage of the game I wrote.
"Night of Respect and Support to Master Harpagon". November 26, 2010.
The actors are preparing for the gala.
Dear Özden Çiftçi, Umut Demirdelen and ŞahinÇelik in accordance with their characters. I tried to picture it. After finishing the picture my signature in front of the mirror I threw it on the business card I had attached between the violets.
those violets; with whom we lived that process together, who did not spare their efforts, to my friends with whom we shared a lifetime of professional life and invaluable memories, and to the heavenly souls of our Umut and our wigmaker İlhan Erem.

"Polonius says of Hamlet: 'There is a method to his madness.' 'There is a method in this man's madness.'
From time to time, I think that there is no method in the madness that some young people do in my writing or in the film. But there is a method in Civan's madness. "
Sevgi Sanlı, 1997 Cumhuriyet Newspaper
1995 - 1996 Avni Dilligil, best playwright award 1995
1996 İsmet Küntay, best playwright award
I have never known them ..
I only saw his pictures in the newspapers .. Photographs of his lifeless bodies
It hit me like a whip,
suddenly, one morning.
I want to present this game in memory of those two lovers.
To those two young people.
Ignoring that I am also a member of this neighborhood.
if they accept it, of course.
Niobe - They are constantly expanding. How beautiful. However, when I was a kid, space was fixed. We grew up in a four-walled universe. For this reason, we cannot bear everything. Fermion's grandmother turns into a diamond. We were looking at life from a cell with exactly six bars, with our captive brains. So said dear Stan.